Victorian Classroom Experience KS1
Date: 7th Feb 2017 @ 8:29am
Last week the children were transported back in time to learn about how different Victorian schooling was to modern day. As the bell rang the children were led into the hall and read the rules of a Victorian classroom. They sat in rows and took part in a Victorian style lesson about Queen Victoria. The children were read facts they needed to remember then record on thier slate using chalk. Children that couldn't answer questions were made to stand in the corner and wear the dunce hat! Children that chatted to their friends were brought to the front and caned!! (All children involved in this had been warned and no children were harmed during the session ) We then came back to the classroom to talk about all the simalarities and differences. The children then got to say which school they preferred and why. To continue our Victorian theme, this week we will be watching and reading Oliver Twist to see how different life was for chidlren. We are very much looking forward to welcoming a child's Grandad in next week who is a Victorian actor at Tatton Park and will be sharing his knowledge with us. Then after half term we shall be visiting Weaver Hall to make our own toys in Victorian fancy dress. Watch this space for more photos!
Kind regards
The KS1 Team